You're a smooth cactus. Don't let anyone of anything change who you are.


WASD and/or ZQSD to move

Mouse - look around and aim

Left mouse button - shoot

scrollwheel - zoom in/out

Spacebar - jump

o - toggle aut'o' fire

m - mute game

tab - freelook


This is a 3D bullet hell game built using Enable3D (, as a 3D extension for Phaser ( ammo.js which ports Bullet physics, and Three.js are running under the hood to create this 3D experience.

Also, this is a submission to Bullet Hell Jam 5 ( where the theme is... consequences!

How does this game relate to consequences?

- obvious one: getting hurt too much leads to death, but in this game you also lose visibility and your identity as a smooth cactus

- damaging cactus buddies causes you to lose points and not saving them means you don't receive their assistance

All assets made by me within the jam time frame using Blender and Paint 3D.

Audio are from and cut in Audacity:

8-Bit Explosion 1_7 by Joao_Janz -- -- License: Creative Commons 0

Action Music Loop 1 "Desert Storm" by MathewHenry -- -- License: Attribution 4.0

JRPG Guitar Desert loop by Destructo20 -- -- License: Creative Commons 0


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The characters are cute and the gameplay is fun!


this game is very funny, 9/10